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Your trust is our responsibility

Constructing motor homes for touring the world or going on expeditions involves a high degree of responsibility for the entire ACTION MOBIL team, given that your “house on wheels” is to guarantee safety, no matter how far away from civilisation and good infrastructure you may be. This is why ACTION MOBIL is making every effort to provide you with the latest state of the art. Of course this means to be constantly looking for the latest innovations and top modern planning, as well as carrying out continuous material tests. It is our principle to use nothing else but the best components and materials that have been tried and tested by ACTION MOBIL. All the troubles we go to are naturally reflected in the higher than usual price of the final product.

The ACTION MOBIL models are often referred to as the “ROLLS ROYCE” among the motor homes for extreme conditions. You will understand that we are pleased with this image. However, this does not mean we wouldn’t want to produce cabins at a more reasonable price. A lot of people who are interested in our products do not seem to be aware of the fact that we also offer “economy versions” of some of our models. After all, we too started out from humble beginnings when first travelling. One aspect we certainly do not economize on is quality, but we do save on the equipment of the cabins and do without luxurious accessories. Do not hesitate to approach us for information on these models.

Special motor home Pure

After Sales is not only an empty catchword at ACTION MOBIL, much rather it is part and parcel of our business philosophy. Being confronted with a technical problem way out in the outback may be a serious strain on your nerves. However, you may rest assured that you have a partner who will go out of his way to provide support. Most of our customer vehicles that tour around the world are equipped with internet or satellite positioning systems and with a satellite telephone. This enables you to contact ACTION MOBIL from almost any point in the world. Everything in our power will then be done to help our customers as fast as possible.

When constructing a tailored vehicle, it is our aim to be in contact with our customers and to consider any individual wish they might have. This means sufficient time has to be allowed for intensive counselling. Such services can only be provided if the size of the company does not exceed a certain scale. The ACTION MOBIL team will bear this aim in mind also in the future and will make every effort to come up to the high reputation of our product name.

State of the art world-touring motor homes from ACTION MOBIL
